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GigaTux Supports Turnkey Linux
GigaTux is proud to announce that we now support all versions of Turnkey Linux on our standard Virtual Private Server packages. Automatic installs and reinstalls of any Turnkey Operating System can be performed through the provided web interface, and basic support is provided.
The following distributions are immediately available for automatic install:
- Turnkey Joomla
- Turnkey Drupal 6
- Turnkey Drupal 5
- Turnkey Django
- Turnkey Core
- Turnkey LAMP Stack
- Turnkey LAPP Stack
- Turnkey MediaWiki
- Turnkey MySQL
- Turnkey phpBB
- Turnkey PostgreSQL
- Turnkey Rails
- Turnkey Tomcat
- Turnkey Wordpress
This joins the following Operating Systems which are already available for automatic install:
- Debian Lenny (can be downgraded if necessary)
- Ubuntu 9.04 or 8.04
- Fedora Core
- Mandriva
- Gentoo
- Centos
For full details of this announcement, including information on vouchers available, please click here.